We Need a Plan

Dear Friend,

President Biden has drained America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves to the lowest level since 1984. And what do we have to show for it?

Gas prices are still sky high—over $1 a gallon higher than they were when President Biden took office. American families, small businesses, and farmers have all had to shell out thousands of dollars more in fuel costs just to get to work, get children to school, ship products, and grow the food we need to survive.

It’s clear these reckless sales from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve haven’t lowered gas prices, so what happened to all that oil that was sold? Well, over 900,000 barrels were sold to a subsidiary of Sinopec—that’s a puppet company for the Chinese Communist Party.

That’s unacceptable. The American people deserve a real plan to lower gas prices and increase American energy production and we shouldn’t be putting our national security at risk by selling off our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China.

Earlier this month, I was proud to support bipartisan legislation to block any future sales of our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China. And this week, we’re working on another bill. This one would ban President Biden from drawing down our Strategic Petroleum Reserve without a plan to increase oil and gas drilling on federal lands. In short, before President Biden can sell off any more of our Strategic Petroleum Reserve, he has to come up with a real plan to increase American oil production and lower gas prices.

Not only will this help limit non-emergency releases in the future, but it also forces the President to come to terms with reality. His policies restricting American oil and gas drilling are having real impacts on American families. That’s what’s driving up fuel and natural gas prices. Until he embraces a real plan to expand American energy production, we’re all going to keep suffering.

It’s time we stopped begging foreign dictators in Iran and Venezuela to sell us more oil and start unleashing American energy dominance—by expanding oil drilling and embracing biofuels.


Sam Graves