11-16-2022 Gallatin RV BOE minutes
President Donovan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., with seven members present.
Jesse Bird present Tim Bradford present
Pam Critten present Jeffrey Donovan present
Trent Dowell present Amy Heldenbrand present
Anita Riley present
Dr. Collins, Principals Burke and Wever, Activities Director Sullenger, and Board Secretary Holcomb
were in attendance. Staff attending were Amy Holder, Nikki Berry, Kylie Cameron, Carrie Cook,
Courtney Ray, Kelsey Peterson, Caralynn Williams, and Amanda Harper. One guest was present,
Debbie Sweatman.
Dowell motioned, Critten seconded to approve Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 7:00 a.m. for the next
meeting. 7-0
Bird motioned, Riley seconded to approve the October 18, 2022, open meeting minutes. 7-0
Critten motioned, Dowell seconded to approve and pay the November 2022 bills, with the exception of
check #95709, #95715, and #95633. 7-0
Critten motioned, Dowell seconded to pay check #95715. 5-0, Heldenbrand and Bradford abstained.
Critten motioned, Dowell seconded to pay check #95633. 6-0, Bird abstained.
Dr. Collins presented his report.
Principal Burke presented his report.
Principal Wever presented his report.
Dr. Collins presented Principal Thogmartin’s report.
Activity Director Sullenger presented his report.
Carrie Cook presented the Special Education report for 2022-2023.
After discussion, the board decided to begin snow removal bidding process.
Bird motioned, Bradford seconded to approve the CPSK Liability & Property Insurance renewal for
Critten motioned, Dowell seconded to hold an April 4, 2023, election. 7-0 The district has three board
positions open with three-year terms.
Dr. Collins presented the updated Procurement Policy. Riley motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to
approve the policy as updated. 7-0
Dr. Collins presented estimates from Safe Defend, LLC, regarding implementing safety measures
within the district.
Amy Holder gave a presentation for the Gallatin Community Teacher’s Association.
The Board took a short break.
At 7:20 p.m. Bradford motioned, Critten seconded to go into closed session for discussing personnel
610.021(3). Bird, yea, Bradford, yea, Critten, yea, Donovan, yea, Dowell, yea, Heldenbrand, yea, and
Riley, yea.
The Board returned to open session at 8:06 p.m.
Critten motioned, Dowell seconded to accept Shawna Hefley’s resignation. 6-0, Bird abstained.
Having no further business, at 8:10 p.m. the Board adjourned on a motion by Dowell, Critten seconded.
Bird, yea, Bradford, yea, Critten, yea, Donovan, yea, Dowell, yea, Heldenbrand, yea, and Riley, yea.