45th MU Hundley-Whaley Farm, Field & Family Day Set September 8th

ALBANY, MO – University of Missouri Extension will hold the 45th Annual MU Hundley-Whaley Farm, Field & Family Day on Thursday, September 8th.   A tour of the facility will include native warm season grasses and legumes demo; heroes to hives; and managing native forbs and grasses.  Workshops will include weathering the storm; healthy eating sneak peak; and farm succession planning.

MU Field Specialists will be available one-on-one for questions and answers on fresh from our farm tasting and recipes, Japanese Beetle invasion, health and wellness, grain bin safety, and a Tai Chi demo.

The wagon tour and workshops run from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. with a meal following.  More information is available by calling 660-726-5610 or online at extension.missouri.edu/programs/hundley-whaley.