Access II Independent Living Center has announced that a grant award from a national foundation will allow the ILC to purchase five commercial fitness machines that will allow persons living with paralysis a chance to exercise and improve their physical and mental health.

The $25,000 award comes from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation National Paralysis Resource Center’s Direct Effect grants program. The money will fund the purchase of a wheelchair treadmill, a weight rack with weights, and three other fitness machines. The accessible fitness equipment will go to the Community Wellness Center that is currently being constructed in Gallatin.

The award is one of 54 that were announced by the Quality of Life Grants Program for this cycle.

The Quality of Life Grants Program supports nonprofit organizations that empower individuals living with paralysis. Since the Quality of Life Grants Program’s inception, more than 3,200 grants totaling over $30 million have been awarded. Funding for these new cycles of grants was made possible through a cooperative agreement with the Administration for Community Living.