Anti-Grain Belt Express Bill gets Senate Hearing
The Grain Belt Express project plans to run wind power transmission lines across eight (8) farm-filled counties in northern Missouri—from Buchanan through Ralls. Though the Public Service Commission has approved it, state lawmakers once again are trying to stop it from using eminent domain power – as granted by the PSC—and the bill has passed the House.
Wednesday- a Senate Committee heard testimony on the bill.
Disagreement over the power line projects pits farmers in the northern part of the state against County Commissioners in the southern part.
Marilyn O’Bannon – a farmer and County Commissioner in Northeast Missouri’s Monroe County– says the powerline’s path is not fair:
A litany of testimony FOR the bill to block the Grain Belt lasted well over an hour.
Of the handful that spoke against the bill:
Senator Bill White – a Republican and lawyer from Dade, Jasper, and Newton counties, opposes the bill to block the project —because he says the Grain Belt has already been legally approved – many times.
The bill is now being considered by the Senate Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee.