Below Average Ruoff Forecast for the Upper Missouri River Basin

GAVINS’ POINT DAM – The runoff forecast for the upper Missouri River Basin ranks as the 25th lowest since 1898. The below average runoff is due to below-normal precipitation, dry soil conditions in the western portions of the basin, and cooler-than-normal temperatures slowing mountain snowmelt.

The updated 2022 runoff is forecast at 71 percent of average. Over 20 percent of the basin is drought-free and only 8 percent is left in extreme drought conditions, mostly in the state of Montana. Due to the ongoing drought and the amount of water stored in the reservoir, water conservation measures will likely continue through the remainder of 2022 and into 2023.

Navigation season on the Missouri River is expected to be shortened by slightly less than two weeks given the releases at Gavins Point Dam providing only for minimum service flow support.