Bethany City Council Approves Resolutions Tied To Funding Applications
Bethany’s Board of Aldermen approved two resolutions connected with funding for projects involving the city during a meeting held Tuesday night.
One resolution is a requirement for the city to use ARPA funding for their 2023 Water Main Project. The city will use just over $786,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act to replace the water main from 16th street to 20th street. The construction start for that project is estimated to be in late March of 2024 with a completion date of late November of 2024. The other resolution is part of the requirements necessary for the city to apply for the funding for a sidewalk project through the Missouri Department of Transportation’s Transportation Alternatives Program. The city’s grant would obtain 80 percent of the funding for sidewalk construction which would run from the Bethany Memorial Park entrance to city hall. The cost for that project is just over $627,000. The city would provide a minimum 20 percent match.
Bethany’s Council approved the cost for repairs to the former Street Department Building. Building Inspector Norman Newlin provided the scope of the repairs necessary. A new roof is needed for the structure.
Bethany Parks Department Board President Patrick Miller reported on upgrades being undertaken by the Bethany Parks and Recreation Department. A tree carving has been completed at the city park. The Bethany Community Gym is receiving attention which includes wall patches and a new color scheme that will be mirroring the color scheme at the South Harrison gymnasium. He also detailed some tuckpointing work that is planned.
Bethany’s council approved an appointment offered for Janice Fisher to serve on Bethany’s Housing Board.