Bethany Council Members Advised To Plan For Much Higher Natural Gas Prices
Bethany’s Board of Aldermen were notified to brace for paying a considerably higher price for natural gas beginning in 2023 for a period which will likely last several years during a meeting held Monday Night. The city currently receives consultation for their natural gas purchasing from Constellation Energy. Todd Riley of Constellation Energy attended the meeting and told board members that new electrical power demand now reliant on natural gas, gas being sold overseas, and low storage capacity have created a new natural gas pricing environment. The city has generally purchased natural gas in recent years for periods which have averaged a unit price of between 3 and 4 dollars per MMBtu. At Monday’s meeting, Mr. Riley stated that he would expect prices to average 5 to 8 dollars per MMBtu for the next 4 to 5 years. He plans to collaborate with Bethany City Administrator Jacob Taylor prior to the next meeting on September 6th to present a natural gas purchase plan for the City of Bethany for the council’s consideration. Bethany’s current natural gas purchasing contract ends at the end of the calendar year.
Bethany’s council reviewed their contract with the Harrison County Community Hospital for plans they have to relocate 39th Street with specifications requested by the city.
Council members were provided the bid packet for the demolition of the building located at 102 North 16th Street. The bids are due to Bethany City Hall by noon on Friday, August 19th. The demolition must include the current building’s demolition, debris removal, a sewer cap, asbestos removal, clear fill, and breaks of the basement floor.
Council members approved applications for two projects for the city’s Property Transfer Program. One application from Cameron Weddle includes the construction of a single family home at 1302 Vandivert. The other application from Patrick Miller will be a rental home located at 2602 Independence.
The city also plans to pursue a property on an upcoming County Tax Sale which could become a potential property for the city’s Property Transfer Program.