Central Decatur Approves Budget For 23-24 School Year
Central Decatur School Board members approved the budget for the 2023-24 school year at their April meeting. The budget will include a tax rate of $12.43 per $1,000 of taxable valuation. The board also approved a resolution which would allow the district to receive a budget funding guarantee for school’s with declining enrollment. That guarantee would amount to 1 percent. The district is not expected to eligible for the guarantee, but adopted the resolution, just in case.
Superintendent Chris Coffelt discussed upcoming projects for the district. Those include security cameras, radios, and roof replacement.
The board reviewed the board director district boundaries, as required after each census. The resolution was approved to include a slight change between District 1 and 2.
Central Decatur Board members also approved the Memorandum of Understanding for the GOLD Center and a Regional Career Academy Programming Partnership among Bedford, Lamoni, Diagonal, and Central Decatur. The regional career academy will provide access to work-based learning opportunities in at least four career academy programs not currently offered at Central Decatur.
Educational Services Contracts with Southwestern Community College were also approved for a Nurse Assisting Career Academy, Welding Career Academy, Carpentry and Building Trades, and Online Arts and Sciences courses.
Central Decatur will hold their 2023 Commencement on May 21st at 3pm. Central Decatur’s next school board meeting will be Wednesday, May 24th.