Central Decatur Approves Indoor Activity Spectator Requirements

Central Decatur School Board members approved motions regarding requirements for spectators at all indoor activities and athletic events during their most recent school board meeting.

Spectators attending Central Decatur events will be required to wear face coverings the indoor activities and athletic events. The face coverings will also be required on bus travel to and from events when students and staff cannot social distance. The requirement will also be in place for all Park and Rec youth events that are hosted in Central Decatur’s facilities.

Face coverings will be required for all staff, students, and visitors during the school day when social distancing cannot be done. That includes entering and exiting the building, in hallways, and food service lines. Classroom teachers will be given discretion to require masks in their classrooms when social distancing is not possible. That motion was approved by the board on a 4-1 vote.

Central Decatur’s board approved seeking the allowable growth and supplemental aid for the negative $215,000 special education allowance.

The board hired Heather Boswell as an Elementary Nurse, Gary Hayworth and Todd Applegate as Co-Head Junior High Basketball Coaches, Zach Smith as Head Junior High Baseball Coach, Ashley Dittmer as Assistant Junior High Boys Baseball Coach, Shane Akers as High School Baseball Coach, Rudy Evertsen as Head Girls Softball Coach, and Tracy Andrews as Head Junior High Softball.

The board accepted the resignation of Darlene Fuller as Assistant High School Girls Basketball Coach.