Central Decatur Board Continues Consideration Of 4-Day School Week
Central Decatur School board members continued their discussion about whether the transition to a 4-day school week would be an effective strategy for staff recruitment and retention for the district during their December board meeting. The discussion followed the joint board work session with Lamoni and Murray held on December 6th. The board reviewed the School Improvement Advisory Committee meeting minutes and the December staff professional development conversation about the opportunities and challenges for the potential structure. A date will be set in either January or February for a community forum on the matter.
Board members reviewed operational and other shared positions with the Lamoni School District and Green Hills AEA. The Lamoni School District is considering beginning a girls soccer program this spring. They have asked Central Decatur if they would be interested in a shared girls soccer program. The district does plan to survey students to see if there is enough interest.
A revised Student Teaching District Agreement with Graceland University was approved at the session. The revision allows student teachers to be paid, and receive benefits, from the district as a paraprofessional and/or receive a stipend from the district which could go towards travel, living expenses, tuition, or other items.
The progress for the districts HVAC projects was reviewed with a representative of Estes Construction. The board also approved the purchase of a 2021 65-passenger bus for $75,000.
The board was also notified of resignations of Nicole Blackford as a para and Tiffany Durell as cook.