Central Decatur School Receives Several Grant Awards
Central Decatur’s school district has received some grant awards for projects and upgrades. Those grant awards were noted at their August meeting.
The district will receive $8,000 from the Decatur County Community Foundation for softball batting cage improvements. Grant money from the DEKKO Foundation and the South Central Iowa Community Foundation will provide funding for a sound/recording studio in the music room at the Middle and High School.
Funding through GRM Networks, the Decatur County Community Foundation and the Restoring Our Community Schools non-profit will provide funding for the livestock facility for the Central Decatur Ag classes and a fruit orchard. There were also several other local contractors who provided support for the project.
Superintendent Cris Coffelt informed the board that the roofing work projects at the South Elementary, the North Elementary, and the North Elementary Gym have been completed at a cost of just over $200,000.
Board members also approved the purchase of a 77 passenger bus and agreed to allow the district to apply for the EPA Clean School Bus Rebate Program application. That program replaces 2010 or older edition diesel-powered buses with electric buses and will pay for the electric panels and charging infrastructure units.
The board approved an agreement with Imagine Learning to provide an online teacher for 7th grade science and high school biology.
Central Decatur hired Cody Ferguson as an Assistant High School Baseball Coach.
Central Decatur’s Back to School Breakfast will be held Tuesday, August 23rd at 8am in the High School Commons.