City Of Bethany To Take Bids For Caretaking Of Dog Pound And Dog Care

Bethany’s Board of Aldermen agreed to take bids for a position affiliated with the dog pound and the care for dogs in the facility during a meeting held Monday night. The position would include a responsibility to clean the dog area 7 days per week. The individual would also have the responsibility to take dogs for veterinary care and would receive a standard amount for that service monthly. The bids will be taken until November 2nd for the position. The city will take bids for the construction of a larger fence to be located outside the dog pound facility. The council also plans to look into obtaining a water heater and sink for cleaning purposes.

City manager Jacob Taylor presented a list of streets which may be considered in the 2024 Street Project. The list included 9 streets. He stated that he plans to obtain estimates for those street sections. It is unlikely that all can be completed for the upcoming year, but the estimates are being obtained for cost considerations.

Crack sealing has started and will likely be done by the end of the week. The initial payment to Crafco of $10,785 was presented for materials and rental.

The council approved an antenna on the water tower with Utility Services. The $3,899 cost for the antenna will be split with the Harrison County Sheriff’s Department. The antenna had experienced storm damage.

A snow plow was approved for the Street Department.

A bid for materials for the Electric Department was also approved with Graybard for just under $140,000. A gas truck was approved for next year for about $56,000. New carpet has been approved for the library with O’Neils. That funding was donated.

A Letter of Intent for liquor licenses was approved for World Liquor #17 LLC.

The Bethany Depot move has been scheduled for November 30th at 9am.