City Of Cameron Accepting Applications to Replace Ingram on Council
The City of Cameron has announced they are now accepting applications from those interested in filling a City Council vacancy until April.
When Councilman Jon Ingram left the council last month it created an opening that must be filed until a new replacement can be elected in the April 2022 municipal elections. The remaining two years on Ingram’s term will be filled in that election, and those wishing to file to run for that position may now do so through December 28. Filing for the regularly scheduled three year seat on the Council is also due by December 28.
In the mean time the Council will be appointing an individual to fill the empty seat on the City Council until that election. Those wishing to fill that unexpired term should submit their resume and letter of interest to City Clerk Shellie Blades at City Hall, located at 205 North Main in Cameron by 5:00 P.M., Wednesday, December 29th.