Gallatin R-V School Board June 14 2022 Unapproved Minutes

Board of Education of Gallatin R-V School District 

Regular Meeting 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 

High School Library 

President Donovan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., with seven members present.  

Jesse Bird present Tim Bradford present 

Pam Critten present Jeffrey Donovan present  Trent Dowell present Amy Heldenbrand present 

Anita Riley present 

Dr. Copple, Principals Burke, Collins, Thogmartin, Activity Director Chad Sullenger, and Board  Secretary Corwin were in attendance. Staff present were Chris Wever, Angel Michael, Michelle  Anthuis, and Brittney Ghidoni. Guest present was Debbie Sweatman. 

Bird motioned, Critten seconded to approve the agenda. 7-0 

Critten motioned, Dowell seconded to approve Tuesday, July 12, 2022, at 6:00 pm. for next regular  meeting. 7-0 

Bird motioned, Riley seconded to approve the May 18, 2022, Regular Meeting open minutes. 7-0 Critten motioned, Bradford seconded to approve and pay the June 2022 bill except for #94823.7-0 Critten motioned, Bradford seconded to approve and pay check #94823.6-0 Bird abstained. 

Dr. Copple presented his report. 

Principal Burke presented his report. 

Principal Collins presented his report including his discipline report. 

Principal Thogmartin presented her report. 

Activity Director Chad Sullenger presented his report. 

Principal Burke presented the High School discipline report. 

Dowell motioned, Bird seconded to zero Fund 2- Teacher Fund if the balance is negative for the  2021-2022 end-of-school-year balance. 7-0 

Riley motioned, Critten seconded to zero the following student accounts at the end of the 2021- 2022 fiscal year. SA Athletics, SA Basketball, SA Football, SA Golf, SA Softball, SA Track and SA  Wrestling. 7-0 

Bradford motioned, Heldenbrand seconded Transportation transfer estimated amount of transfer of  $0.00 from Fund 1-General to Fund 4-Capital Projects. 7-0 

Riley motioned, Dowell seconded of the greater of $162,326 or 7%SATxWADA with an amount of  $244,631 from Fund 1-General to Fund 4-Capital Projects. 7-0 

Bird motioned, Critten seconded to accept the paint bid from Gallatin Lumber Company. 7-0

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Regular meeting 

June 14, 2022 

Critten motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to accept the food bid from Kohl Wholesale. 7-0  Dowell motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to accept the dairy bid from Anderson-Erickson Dairy.7-0  Dowell motioned, Riley seconded to accept the kitchen chemical bid from Ecolab. 7-0  

Prices for lunch and milk are unchanged from 2021-2022 with lunch for K-5 at $2.70 and lunch for  6-12 at $3.00. Critten motioned, Bird seconded to have no increase in meal prices for 2022-2023. 7- 0  

Bird motioned, Riley seconded to approve the 2022-2023 Dyslexia Plan for the District. 7-0  

Dowell motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to approve the 2022-2023 Assessment Plan for the  district. 7-0  

Riley motioned, Dowell seconded to approve the 2022-2023 Safe Return to School Plan.7-0  

Bradford motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to appoint Carrie Crouse as the District’s Homeless  Liason.7-0  

Dr. Copple discussed House Bill 3002- Teacher Baseline Salary Grant for 2022-2023. Governor  Parsons has not signed this bill yet. This grant covers teachers under $38,000.00 to be funded 70%  by the state and 30% by the district for the salary portion of the difference to give them a salary of  $38,000.00. The additional benefits and employer taxes will be funded by the district. 

Riley motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to approve the 2022-2023 Salary schedule with the  additional 13th payment of the Teacher Baseline Salary Grant to be distributed in November of 2022 that also includes a $2,500.00 increase for teachers that do not fall in the $38,000.00 grant  guidelines. 7-0  


Dr. Copple presented the 2022-2023 Budget. Riley motioned, Bird seconded to approve the 2022- 2023 Budget as presented. 7-0  

After the board reviewed material variances. Bird motioned, Dowell seconded to finalize the 2021- 2022 expenditures at the end of the year. 7-0  

Guest Debbie Sweatman asked for clarification on the district tuition budget line item, this was  clarified in terms of the information regarding the out-of-district tuition budget line item. 

At 6:44 p.m. Bird motioned, Critten seconded to go into closed session for discussing personnel  610.021(3) Bird, yea Bradford, yea, Critten, yea, Donovan, yea, Dowell, yea, Heldenbrand, yea, and  Riley, yea.  

The Board returned to open at 7:06 p.m. 

Critten motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to offer Janell Lee an Elementary Special Education Aide  position for 2022-2023. 7-0  

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Regular meeting 

June 14, 2022 

Riley motioned, Critten seconded to offer Amber Adams a Middle School Teacher position for 2022- 2023. 7-0  

Having no further business, at 7:06 p.m. the Board voted to adjourn on a motion by Dowell,  Heldenbrand seconded. Bird, yea, Bradford, yea, Critten, yea, Donovan, yea, Dowell, yea,  Heldenbrand, yea, and Riley, yea.  


 President, Board of Education 


Attest: Secretary, Board of Education