Gallatin School Board Minutes From 3-15-23
Board of Education of Gallatin R-V School District Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Functional Skills Classroom, Gallatin Middle School
President Donovan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., with 7 members present.
Jesse Bird present Tim Bradford present
Pam Critten present Jeffrey Donovan present
Trent Dowell present Amy Heldenbrand present
Anita Riley present
Dr. Collins, Principals Burke, Wever and Thogmartin, and Board Secretary Holcomb were in attendance. Staff attending were Kim Johnson, Mandi Hemry, Tracy Burke, Martha Gunzenhauser,
Kylie Cameron, Nikki Berry, Erin Creason, Brittney Ghidoni, Caralynn Williams, Amanda Harper, Courtney Ray. The guests present were Kimberly Borges, Debra Sweatman. Bradford motioned, Bird seconded to approve the meeting’s agenda. 7-0
Dowell motioned, Critten seconded to approve Wednesday, April 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. for the next meeting. 7-0
Riley motioned, Critten seconded to approve the minutes of February 15, 2023, meeting. 7-0 Critten motioned, Riley seconded to approve and pay the March 2023 bills except for check #96113 and #96114. 7-0
Critten motioned, Riley seconded to approve and pay checks #96113 and #96114. 6-0, Bird abstained.
Dr. Collins presented his report.
Principal Burke presented his report.
Principal Wever presented his report.
Principal Thogmartin presented her report.
Dr. Collins presented Activity Director Sullenger’s report.
The board reviewed the updated 2022-23 Substitute list. Bird motioned, Dowell seconded to approve the list as presented. 7-0
The board reviewed the 2023-24 MEUHP Insurance renewal rates. Bradford motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to approve the rates. 7-0
The board reviewed the updated 2023-24 Certified Staff Salary Schedule.
The board reviewed the Occupational Therapy Contract with Abilities First, Inc for a three-year period ending June 30, 2026. Critten motioned, Dowell seconded to approve the contract as presented. 7-0
The board reviewed MSBA 2023A update of policy, procedures, and forms. Dowell motioned, Critten seconded to approve the updates as presented to Policy: BBDB, BDDH, IGCD, IGCDA, JECA, KC, and Procedure IGCD-AP1. 7-0
Dr. Collins discussed the Annual Performance Report for Gallatin RV School District with the board.
Brittney Ghidoni gave a presentation on the Gallatin Community Teacher Association.
Public Comment – Kimberly Borges inquired about an honor roll program within our district. Dr. Collins responded we have a program in place and will get the information to the media.
At 6:44 p.m. the Board took a short break.
At 6:59 p.m. Dowell motioned, Bird seconded to go into closed session for discussing personnel 610.021(3,13). Bird, yea, Bradford, yea, Critten, yea, Donovan, yea, Dowell, yea, Heldenbrand, yea,
and Riley, yea.
The Board returned to open session at 8:45 p.m.
Bradford motioned, Critten seconded to offer Tammy Kerns a teaching position for the 2023-24 school year. 7-0
Bradford motioned, Riley seconded to offer Marcel Confer a teaching position for the 2023-24 school year. 7-0
Bradford motioned, Bird seconded to offer Taylor Cole a teaching position for the 2023-24 school year. 7-0
Bradford motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to approve Tiffany Whetstone for a substitute cook position. 7-0
Bradford motioned, Critten seconded to accept Garrett Peterson’s resignation, effective the end of 2022- 23 school year. 7-0
Dowell motioned, Critten seconded to accept Jennifer Adkison’s resignation, effective the end of 2022- 23 school year. 7-0
Critten motioned, Riley seconded to accept Carrie Crouse’s resignation, effective the end of 2022-23 school year. 7-0
Riley motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to accept Jennifer Adkison’s resignation as HS Football Cheer Coach. 7-0
Critten motioned, Dowell seconded to accept Crystal Crose’s resignation as MS Cheer Coach. 7-0
Bird motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to accept April Fenimore’s resignation as HS Girls Wrestling Coach. 7-0
Critten motioned, Riley seconded to approve the following staff to be tenured for the 2023-24 school year: April Fenimore, Penny Gardner, Jack Malo, and Kelsey Peterson. 7-0Critten motioned, Dowell seconded to renew all regular certified staff contracts for the 2023-24 school year. 7-0
Bird motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to approve the 2023-24 Certified Staff Salary Schedule as presented. 7-0
Having no further business, at 8:48 p.m. the Board voted to adjourn on a motion by Bradford, Critten seconded. Bird,