Bethany Council Receives Update On Storm Damage Shelter Plans At Babe Adams
Bethany City Administrator Jacob Taylor announced to Bethany’s Board of Aldermen Monday that the Parks Board has chosen to build a new shelter at the top of the bleachers behind home plate at Babe Adams field with the insurance money which will be available due to the storm damage at the former Babe Adams Shelter.
The move of the Bethany Depot has been tentatively planned for late November. The move will likely be close to Thanksgiving.
The wall on the northeast side of the square has been completed. The library clock has also been installed and is functional.
Construction will be completed by the end of the month on the Oakland Avenue water main project. Gravel will be placed on the area until the Spring TAP project is completed.
The city received a reimbursement of a little over $5,000 from Blue Cross & Blue Shield due to the city’s low claims this year. The city will use that money towards the fund which contributes to employee health care costs.
Crack sealing will begin this week and should last for about two weeks.
The council approved a request from JR Properties for an extension for a new home’s construction on Independence Avenue. A 12 month extension was approved by the council.
A dumpster has been approved for the south side of the square while the area is upgraded in preparation for a new business.
The city plans some needed updated zoning for the new site of Lips to Hips.
Bethany’s Scare on the Square Event will be held on October 31st from 3 until 6:30pm. The north, east, and west sides of the square will be closed during that time.