Health Concern Being Traced To Bethany
A notification has been made of a potential health concern for possible exposures of Legionella bacteria from Bethany.
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and the Harrison County Health Department are investigating the situation after a person diagnosed with Legionnaires’ disease in July stayed at the Quality Inn in Bethany in mid-July.
The Department of Health and Senior Services says water testing from the pool, spa, and potable water system indicated a presence of Legionella bacteria. Legionnaire’s disease can come from small water droplets containing Legionella bacteria. Legionnaire’s disease is a serious type of pneumonia. It is usually not spread person-to-person.
Symptoms may form from 2 to 10 days after exposure.
The department says if symptoms of pneumonia develop after working of visiting the Quality Inn in Bethany, you should seek medical attention right away. Those symptoms would include fever, a cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches, and headaches.