I-229 Double-Decker Bridge Public Meeting Thursday

A third public meeting regarding the future of the Interstate 229 corridor through the west side of downtown St. Joseph is scheduled for this week.

I-229 Moving Forward is an Environmental Assessment (EA) study working to ensure a sound, well-researched decision is reached regarding the future of the I-229 corridor.

As part of this process, a third open-house style public meeting will be held on Thursday, September 1, from 4 to 6 P.M. at the Remington Nature Center, located at 1502 McArthur Drive in St. Joseph. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to visit anytime between 4 and 6 p.m. to view the four currently proposed alternatives, ask questions of the EA team, and offer comments and input. No formal presentation will be made.

A virtual public meeting room will also be available on the project’s website at www.modot.org/stjoe229 through September 30.