I-229 Moving Forward Public Input Opportunity

The Missouri Department of Transportation is once again asking residents to share their thoughts on the future of the Interstate 229 corridor through downtown St. Joseph, including the Double-decker Bridge.

I-229 Moving Forward is an Environmental Assessment (EA) study that ensures a sound, well-researched decision is reached regarding the future of the I-229 corridor.

As part of that process, a third public meeting will be held on Thursday, September 1, from 4 until 6 P.M. at the Remington Nature Center, located at 1502 McArthur Drive in St. Joseph.

The meeting is open-house style so residents and stakeholders are encouraged to visit anytime between 4 and 6 p.m. to view the four currently proposed alternatives, ask questions of the EA team, and offer comments and input. No formal presentation will be made.

A virtual public meeting room will also be available on the project’s website at www.modot.org/stjoe229 beginning August 22 and continuing through September 30. In addition to the virtual public meeting room, visitors to the website can learn more about I-229 Moving forward, provide feedback and sign up for project alerts.