Iowa Board of Regents Shortens Name, Releases New Logo

(Radio Iowa) The board that governs Iowa’s three state-supported universities has shortened its name and released a new logo.

A state government realignment law took effect July 1st. It shifted the Iowa School for the Deaf and Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired to be part of the Iowa Department of Education. The Board of Regents, State of Iowa, which previously managed those two organizations, is now to be known as the Iowa Board of Regents. The board’s new logo includes this line: Governing Iowa’s Public Universities. A news release from the Iowa Board of Regents describes the new logo and tagline as fresh, simplified — and a future-focused look for the Board of Regents’ brand.

On July 18th, Governor Reynolds unveiled a new logo and slogan for Interstate welcome signs and state agency websites. The Iowa Board of Regents has created its own branding. A spokesman for the board says the logo was designed internally.