Iowa Transportation Plan Approved

The Iowa Transportation Commission approved the 2024-28 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program during their June meeting. The program includes specific highway and bridge projects anticipated to be constructed over the next five years on the state highway system made up of all Interstate, U.S., and Iowa-signed routes. The highway and bridge projects included in this program are funded with approximately $4.3 billion of state and federal funding forecast to be available over the next five years.

Investments in bridges have been made over the last 17 years, dropping the number of poor-condition bridges on the state highway system from 256 in 2006 to 26 in 2023. This program includes more than $1.3 billion of additional bridge investments.

Some specific project in this year of the 5 year plan locally include Bridge Deck Overlay projects on Highway 2 over McGruder Creek and on I-35 at 310th Street, 2.5 miles south of 69 Highway, and 25 miles of pavement markings on I-35 from the Missouri line to the Clarke County line.

The construction of a taxiway for the Lamoni Municipal Airport is also included for this year in the plan approved Tuesday.