IRS Hiring for Tax Season

(Radio Iowa) The Internal Revenue Service is looking to hire more workers to fill positions to meet the demand of the upcoming tax season. IRS Christopher Miller says it’s a good opportunity.

“The IRS is seeking hundreds of new employees across the country, including in Iowa to fill a customer service positions, and various other positions, Miller says. He says they are particularly looking for employees to staff their Taxpayer Assistance Centers across the country.

“In Iowa, the IRS operates five Taxpayer Assistance Centers, where taxpayers go to get help — in Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Sioux, city and Waterloo. And we hope to have those offices staffed as fully as possible for the upcoming filing season,” Miller says. Miller says they offer comprehensive training for all employees.

“You do not have to be a tax expert to work at the IRS. We have all sorts of positions available at all levels of experience. In addition to face to face representatives and people to help on the phone, the IRS is also working to hire additional people throughout the agency, not just in taxpayer service areas, but in information technology,” he says. Miller encourages anyone who is interested to check out the IRS jobs.

“You can learn more about open positions at the IRS by going to Or you can go to USA to look for positions at the IRS and throughout federal government. Miller says offers a variety of benefits to its employees, including flexible work positions.