King City Board Approves Salary Increases
King City School Board members approved an additional $1,000 dollars to their base pay and a percentage increase for non-certified staff during their March meeting Monday night. The base pay increase will create a base salary of $35,750 for King City’s certified teachers. The non-certified staff will receive a 4.3 percent increase.
Staff insurance was approved for another year with MEUHP.
Board members approved the 2023-24 school calendar. The starting date will be August 23rd for the 2023-24 school year. The ending date will be May 17th.
Cooperative sports agreements were approved with Union Star for football, softball, volleyball, and baseball.
The board agreed to contribute $6,000 towards the completion of the Batting Cage Project.
Jeff Auxier updated the board on the science room addition project. He stated that the project could go out for bid next month.
A grant opportunity was presented before board members as an informational item. The 75-25 matching grant would allow the purchase of a tractor through an Ag Grant. The tractor could be used for Ag Maintenance and Ag Safety Instruction for agriculture students. It could also be used by the maintenance department.
The mowing bid was approved with Randy Hodge.
A make-up school date will move the ending day of school at King City to May 17th.
The board accepted resignations from Shea Gladman and Kathy Crawford.
The board offered contracts to tenured teachers at the session.