MDC Hosting Virtual Program on Amphibians and Reptiles Surviving The Winter

Reptiles and amphibians can’t migrate south or grow thicker fur to survive winter, but many of these animals have their unique ways of surviving the colder months that are coming up.

People can learn more about the winter adaptations of reptiles and amphibians at the Friday, November 5 Missouri Department of Conservation virtual program “How Amphibians and Reptiles Prepare for Winter.”

This online event, conducted by staff at the MDC’s Shepherd of the Hills Conservation Center, will be 6-7 p.m.

At this program, MDC Shepherd of the Hills Conservation Center volunteer John Miller will discuss how some amphibians and reptiles change their body chemistry, slow their metabolism, or do both to survive winter.

Those ages three and up can attend.

People can register for this program by visiting the link here.