MDC Wants You to Slow Down & Give Turtles a “Brake”

The Missouri Department of Conservation encourages drivers to be cautious on the roads this spring and give turtles a brake.

These reptiles are often hit by cars during the warmer months but are at special risk this time of year because they are more active.

Vehicles are one of the leading factors in box turtle declines, and MDC urges motorists to be cautious and slow down when they see a turtle in the road.

If helping a turtle make it safely across, check for traffic and move the turtle across the road in the direction it is traveling.

Additionally, MDC encourages Missourians to leave turtles in the wild. Taking a wild animal, whether a turtle or other wildlife species and keeping it as a pet normally ends in a slow death.

Leave turtles in the wild, follow the speed limit, and keep your eyes on the road.