Mercer Board Approves Bid For New Phones And Wiring
Mercer School Board members received a presentation of the Mercer City Council regarding landscaping options for the northern side of a lot owned by the school. The board plans to collaborate with the city and Grundy Electric to evaluate the situation.
The district was approved to seek bids on new/used 53 passenger school buses. All bids need to be submitted by December 1st in a sealed document which will be opened at the December meeting.
Long term substitute teacher pay was increased by $150 after a substitute teacher subs on the 6th consecutive school day for the same teacher.
The board voted to accept the $21,000 bid for new phones and wiring throughout the district from GRM. The installation will be started over Thanksgiving Break and will finish over the Christmas Break. The school has received State Safety Grant money which will be used for the phone system upgrade.
Mercer’s 2024 graduation date will be May 12th.