Mercer School Board Approves New Athletic Director
Mercer School board members approved the district’s tax levy and lunch prices for the year during their meeting Monday night.
The 2022-23 tax levy at Mercer will be $4.93 per hundred dollars of assessed valuation. The district’s assessed valuation increased for the year by nearly $770,000 to $20.5 million.
The district agreed to begin providing transportation for Mercer students participating on cooperative sports teams. Mercer has cooperative agreements with Princeton for Junior High and High School Football and with East Harrison for Varsity Baseball and Junior High Softball.
Student lunch prices were determined to be $2.35 for Pre-K through 6th grade, $2.50 for 7th through 12th grades, and $1.50 for breakfast. The adult lunch price will be $3.25.
Mercer’s board approved the Annual Secretary of the Board Report and the Special Education Assurance plan.
The Mercer School Board of Directors offered the librarian’s position to Lisa Prichard, the 4th through 6th grade Social Studies position to Laura Mason, the 7-12 grade Social Studies position to Brady McElvain, and the Special Education Paraprofessional position to Tara Jones.
Mercer’s board offered the Athletic Director’s position to Jeff Wyatt and their Junior High Softball Assistant Coach position to Carrie Rogers.
Mercer will hold a work session on August 23rd at 5:30pm.