MU Announces Campus COVID-19 Safety Protocols
The University of Missouri has announced the new policies regarding in-person events and self-reporting of positive COVID-19 tests. Officials also say that a new digital COVID-19 symptom-tracking app will be part of the Show ME Renewal Plan.
The new policies will be effective immediately. They include of limit of 20 percent for events that are hosts the university faculty, staff, and students. There will be requests for exceptions that will considered in rare cases. That restriction is stricter than the Boone County limit on events that is currently 100 attendees. Rare exceptions will be granted only with an approved plan that requires participants to follow social distancing and face covering protocols, as well as specific protocols for serving food and beverages.
University policy requires face coverings indoors with few exceptions. Medical experts advise maintaining a 6-foot distance between individuals and wearing a face covering indoors unless consuming food or beverages. All allowed events will need to be set up with appropriate social distancing between attendees, including arrangements with chairs in rows or around tables.
The university is requiring all students, faculty and staff to notify the university if they receive a positive COVID-19 diagnosis. Public health officials and case investigators are responsible for working with positive individuals to identify and provide guidance to their close contacts.
Within four hours of receiving their positive test results, students will notify the MU Student Health Center by submitting a secure online form and contact instructors to make arrangements to continue their studies remotely if they are able.
MU will soon roll out a symptom-tracking app, #CampusClear. The university already requires students, faculty and staff to complete a daily symptom and temperature checklist, but this app will act as a regular reminder to check symptoms and temperature. The app is intended to make the process easier by prompting users to self-screen for potential COVID-19 symptoms and by providing resources and guidance about whether they should stay home and contact a health provider.
The app also will be used as a pass to access some locations on campus.