Patching Work Coming to I-29 in Buchanan County
Guardrail and slope repairs began in June as part of the planned resurfacing project on Interstate 29 in southern Buchanan County.
The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded the project to Herzog Contracting Corp. of St. Joseph.
The resurfacing project spans from Route O to the Platte County line.
The contractor is now beginning the next phase of the project, concrete patching, on Monday, July 20 as night work in order to lessen impacts to travelers.
For the concrete patching, I-29 will be narrowed to one lane from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m. nightly.
No work will be performed on Saturday nights.
Some lane closures could remain up around-the-clock.
This portion of the project will continue through the end of July.
Other phases of the work may also be conducted at night to lessen impacts to travelers.
One lane in each direction is expected to remain open throughout the project with a 12-foot width restriction.
All work is weather-permitting and schedules are subject to change.