Pattonsburg Board Receives Facility Update at August Board Session

Pattonsburg School Board members received an update on their summer facility upgrades during their August meeting Monday night.

Superintendent Bill Pottoroff announced that new tin has been installed at the concession stand, dugouts, and the crow’s nest. The district will also have a new storage area. Work has also been done on the baseball-softball field, and the gymnasium floor has been refinished.

The district will use nearly $13,000 from the Williford Grant for new laptops and I-pads.

Insurance estimates will be determined for the dome roofs, football trailer, van, and suburban owned by the district.

Pattonsburg board members approved the resolution to authorize a redemption of $40,000 principal of general obligation refunding bonds. The tax rate for the district will be $535 per hundred dollars of assessed valuation.

Pattonsburg’s board declared wooden bleachers, a double convection oven, and a van as surplus property. Sealed bids will be taken until September 15th at noon.

In the executive session, Pattonsburg’s board hired Deborah Burns as a business teacher and Elizabeth Graver as a paraprofessional.