Princeton School Board Still Considering School Facility Naming Policy And Daycare Program

Princeton School Board members have not made any final decisions on the naming of the fields at the new softball and baseball complex nor the possibility of hosting a county daycare program. Princeton’s board had both on the agenda at their February meeting on Monday.

The board has been offered $30,000 from the Derry family to name the baseball field at the new complex. At a previous meeting, the board requested Superintendent Jerry Girdner to provide potential policies or procedures that could be used to evaluate naming rights of school district facilities. That work will continue.

The possibility of the Princeton School District hosting a Mercer County Daycare was suggested at a previous meeting following a presentation of the Mercer County Economic Area Development Board. There are two locations being considered to serve as the potential daycare facility. One is a closed church located at 500 West Main. Another site is the educational wing United Methodist Church. Princeton’s school board wants facility, budget, and staffing questions answered before they make a firm commitment. The Mercer County Economic Area Development plans to work in the near future to present possible funding opportunities to offset the cost of operating the facility.

Princeton’s School Board approved the 2023-24 School Calendar. The starting date will be Tuesday, August 22nd. The ending date is May 17th, 2024. The year includes just over 1,100 hours. All snow days will be built into the calendar.

Princeton’s School District has applied for a grant to improve HVAC units. The Improving Ventilation in Missouri K-12 School Project will provide eligible school districts with funding to repair or improve airflow in classrooms.

Board members approved a bid from ProVision for 50 Access Points using E-Rate Funding. The access points will be used to improve connectivity speed and reliability.

Information provided to the board included the fundraising results from the recent Games for Guilkey. Princeton Elementary Principal Wes Guilkey has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Several events raised nearly $30,000 for the Guilkey family.

Princeton’s board approved Bill Goodin has the Junior High and High School Track Coach for the 2022-23 season. The board approved the resignation of Kacie Miyama as 3rd grade teacher at the end of the school year. The board also hired Vickie Girdner to the Kitchen Staff as a cook.