Proposed Missouri House Resolution Declares House Lacks Faith in 2020 Presidential Election Results

A Missouri House committee will hold a hearing this (Monday) evening at the Statehouse in Jefferson City on a proposed resolution from a GOP lawmaker, which demands that six key states call themselves into special session to investigate presidential election results.

Lake St. Louis State Representative Justin Hill’s resolution names Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada:

Hill’s resolution alleges that 50-thousand votes held on USB cards are missing in one Pennsylvania county, and says more than 20-thousand nonresidents cast ballots in Georgia. The House Special Committee on Government Oversight will hear testimony tonight at 5.

Ranking Democrat Peter Merideth of St. Louis wants GOP Attorney General Eric Schmitt to appear before the committee tonight, regarding his decision to join the Texas federal litigation.

The U-S Supreme Court on Friday rejected the Texas lawsuit. Merideth says Schmitt’s decision is directly relevant to the resolution that will be heard tonight.