Regular Recent Moisture Moves Most of Missouri Out of Moisture Deficit

Recent precipitation events in the past few weeks has now lifted most of Missouri from a moisture deficit status.

The U.S. Drought Monitor was released Thursday and showed 37 percent of Missouri territory was taken out of pre-drought conditions. Just over 13 percent of Missouri is now in any moisture deficit condition. That figure was 51 percent last week. Just point-38 percent of Missouri territory is now in serious drought. That is the area including the northwestern half of Atchison County. Other northwest Missouri counties along the Missouri River are also considered to be in pre-drought conditions.

Iowa’s drought map is still similar to last week with 80 percent of the state in at least pre-drought conditions. 26 percent of Iowa is in pre-drought conditions, 25 percent in moderate drought, 19 percent in severe drought, and 8 percent in extreme drought.