Senate Moves on with Short List of Bills to Consider in Special Session

(MISSOURINET) –  The State Senate today — will begin debate in special session three bills.

Senate budget chairman Dan Hegeman gleaned those bills from 13 proposed. Two sets of bills have now been combined into two bills just dealing with income tax rates.

One of those bills mirrors what the governor has asked for in this session.

Dallas County Senator Sandy Crawford is one of the sponsors of that bill:

Crawford and fellow Sponsor Senator Karla Eslinger (ESS- ling -ur) of southern Missouri say they are open to input on the bill.

One of the bills also selected for consideration is by St. Louis County Andrew Koenig (KAY-neg) -and he teamed up with Senator Lincoln Hough (Huff) to offer a tax break with some safeguards against reducing taxes if state revenue is lower than normal

Koenig removed a corporate income tax cut from his bill.

Both chambers move along an agriculture tax bill with similar provisions for many products.

Jackson County Democrat Barbara Washington defended the breaks for farming.

The Senate gets back to work today.(Tuesday)