South Harrison Board Receives ESSER III Funding Update

South Harrison Superintendent Dennis Eastin told South Harrison board members that the Missouri State Board of Education will be reviewing assessment data of tests taken last spring to determine general information and state averages Tuesday. He says local scores may be released to schools in mid-October. The scores may be released to the public in late October.

He also told board members that ESSER III funding may still be some months away for school districts to use. Plans for the funding are still being approved. The budgets will also then have to go through an approval process. He also says districts that are using funding for capital projects will need to pay for the projects first and then receive reimbursement. That reimbursement will also need legislative approval through the appropriation process. That may not come until January or February.

South Harrison’s board approved October 19th as the date for a District Surplus Property Sale. The time will be at 5:30pm at the school’s Bus Barn. The board also declared a 2006 Freightliner bus as surplus property. Another list of items was also approved. A final list will be approved at the October meeting.

The board approved the contract for the house to be constructed by the Building Trades Program for Brandon and Callie Hunter at the session.