South Harrison To Close Both Preschools Following Potential COVID-19 Exposure
The South Harrison School District has announced that both South Harrison Preschools will close on Tuesday, November 10th and will remain closed through the Monday following Thanksgiving. The announcement follows the announcement that the school district and the Harrison County Health Department are attempting to identify and quarantine individuals that may have had a potential exposure to COVID-19 at both of the preschools last Thursday and Friday.
The notice also asks all individuals that work or have students that attend either of the preschools to quarantine while contact tracing work is done. Once all individuals have been identified, the health department will contact you within the next 2 days to provide education on quarantine guidance if some in your household have been exposed. This situation involves many and will take the efforts of the school, health department and others to make sure all close contacts have been identified and will be quarantined appropriately.
If you have not been contacted by the health departments, it is recommended that you closely monitor for symptoms. People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.
Under the plan in place, South Harrison’s Preschools will reopen on Tuesday, December 1st.