Stanberry Board Receives Foundation Information

Stanberry Superintendent Bob Heddinger shared information with Stanberry School Board members regarding the establishment of a foundation for the school during a meeting held Tuesday night. The Northwest Community Foundation has been contacted and will send a representative to the May board meeting to give a presentation about their services.

Board members directed Superintendent Heddinger to continue to pursue options for using a local contractor or vendor who will serve as a general contractor who may oversee the bathroom project at Memorial Field.

Changes in the student handbooks for the upcoming school year were shared. They will receive a final vote from the board in May. Those included slight changes to the Cell Phone, Smart Watch Policies, and Homework Alerts.

The summer work scheduled was finalized with several projects in their summer plans. Those projects will include updates to the playground, a new Ag classroom and shop, the renovation of the current Ag classroom, and 3 other classrooms. The new training building is nearly complete. New mats will be installed later this summer. The weight room has been temporarily relocated in the new training building so updating can be done in the old weight room. After that work is completed in about 2 weeks, equipment will be put back. The community is still welcomed to use the weight room during the remodeling period.

Stanberry’s board hired Terri Holtzclaw as a 6th grade teacher. Tori Hague was hired as an elemenetary secretary. Greg Dias will mow the football and football practice fields.

All returned non-certified staff were recommended to be employed again for the 2022-23 school year.