Stanberry Board To Use Search Firm In Search For Next Superintendent
Stanberry school board members plan to use the services offered by the Missouri Association of Rural Educators for the selection of the next superintendent of the district. The action came at a meeting held on Monday night. Superintendent Bob Heddinger announced his intention to retire from education after 31 years in education. He has served as elementary principal and superintendent of the Stanberry School District.
Stanberry board members also received a presentation of the plans for the new agriculture building and training building. Architect Terry Clark made the presentation. Following the presentation, Stanberry’s board approved the plans and bid packets. The bid packets will be sent out Thursday. The bid opening is planned on Thursday, October 14th. The final award of the contracts will be approved by the board at their October meeting. The anticipated start of construction will be on Monday, October 25th. The completion date is July 22nd of next year.
Stanberry’s board approved the finalized 2021-22 school budget. If realized, the budget would be at a $312 thousand deficit. The deficit is the result of transferring funding to cover the anticipated start-up cost of the next agriculture building, training building, and classroom renovation. The deficit would be reduced when the final bids come in and the school moves the payment for the projects to the lease purchase agreement. There will also be ESSER II and ESSER III funding that can be used for the building projects.
Stanberry’s board approved an ACES contract renewal
Stanberry’s Homecoming will be held on October 8th. The theme is Disney.