Stanberry Levy Approved, West Nodaway Levy Fails In August Election
Stanberry voters decisively approved their levy issue that adds a permanent $1.33 operating levy to the district. The levy had been scheduled to expire after the 2026 tax year. Supporters of the measure themed the proposal “Room to Learn-Room to Grow”. The revenue generated from the measure is expected to construct a High School Agriculture Building, create additional elementary rooms, renovate the existing ag room and shop, and extend the weight room to create space for a Wrestling Room and Community Fitness Room. The levy was approved by a margin of 233 in favor to 52 against. That percentage margin was 82 to 18 percent. 21 percent of eligible voters participated in the election.
West Nodaway School District voters rejected Proposition 2 that asked for a $1 increase in assessed valuation. It would have taken the levy from $3.58 to $4.58 per hundred dollars of assessed valuation. The measure failed 172 to 155, or 53 to 47 percent.