Winston School Update 5/15/23 – Open House Thursday August 17 5-6:30pm

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School Starts on Tuesday August 22. This year’s calendar link 

Open House will be Thursday August 17 from 5:00-6:30pm. 

Winston open house


Practice Schedules can be found on the Homepage of the Winston R-VI School Website under the Activity and Practice Schedules link.  Practice Schedules are subject to change.  Please connect with the coach to get regular updates.

The Winston School will begin transporting students participating in Varsity Football, JH Football and Varsity Softball on the first day of school August 22.  Please contact the school to inform them if your student needs transportation starting on August 23.

Winston School Board Meeting and Tax Rate Hearing will be Thursday August 17 at 7:00pm.

Varsity Cross Country Practice begins August 7 at 7am at the Winston School

Varsity Softball Practice begins August 7 at 9am at the Pattonsburg School Softball field

Varsity Football Practice begins August 7 at 8am at the Maysville School Football practice field


Junior High Cross Country Practice begins August 15 at 7am at the Winston School

Junior High Softball Practice begins August 14 at 4pm at the Winston School Softball field

Junior High Football Practice begins August 14 at TBA at the Maysville School Football practice field


Sports Schedules can be found on the Homepage of the Winston R-VI School Website under the Activity and Practice Schedules link


For parents’ convenience, we are offering Online Registration for returning students this year.  Attached is a letter on how to complete this process if you know your login information.  A letter will be going home shortly providing login information to those that have not accessed the Lumen student information system.  During Onsite Registration on August 10 parents can use a school computer to complete all forms or paper copies can be picked up at the office to complete if desired.

Lunch and Breakfast prices for the 2023-2024 school year.

  • Student Breakfast $1.20
  • Reduced Breakfast $.30
  • Elementary Lunch $2.25
  • High School Lunch $2.50
  • Reduced Lunch $.40
  • Extra Milk $.30

To receive free or reduced breakfast or lunch, families must qualify by completing the application for Free or Reduced meals.

Winston School Board met on Monday July 17.  Attached is the board report.

Future Dates of Importance

August 14                    First Day to practice Junior High fall sports

August 15-18              Teacher In-service

August 17                    Open House 5:00pm – 6:30pm

August 17                    Tax Rate Hearing and Board Meeting 7:00pm

August 22                    First Day of School

August 17                    Winston Board Meeting

August 21                    FFA Back To School BBQ

August 28                    School in Session

September 12              School Picture Day

September 13              FFA Ag Science Trip(Hundley-Whaley)

September 15              1st Quarter Mid-Term Progress Reports

September 18              Teacher In-Service Day

September 18              Winston Board Meeting

September 19              Blood Drive

October 21                  Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 4                    FFA Area 2 Greenhand Initiation

October 8-14               FFA Week

October 16                  Teacher In-Service Day

October 18                  1st Quarter ends

The Winston School District has received a $50,000 Safety Grant.  We will be working with the Daviess County Sheriff’s Office in the next few months to conduct a safety assessment of our buildings in order to make improvements with the grant funds as effective as possible.

Winston R-VI School District has one of top scores on the State’s Annual Performance Report (APR)

  • Winston R-VI School District has the 4th highest score of all K-12 schools in Northwest Missouri.
  • Compared to all of 473 of Missouri’s K-12 school districts, Winston R-VI School District has the 47th highest score.  This puts Winston R-VI School District in the Top 10% of all K-12 school district in Missouri

APR Scores measure a school district’s performance on State Standardized Tests, College and Career Readiness Standards, Graduation Rate, Post-Graduation Follow Up, Students Attendance, and Continuous Improvement Measures. We are extremely proud of this accomplishment that has been earned by our students, staff, parents and community.  Way To Go Redbirds!!!!

Substitute teacher and Bus Drivers needed. Contact the district office if interested.

Our new student information system allows us to email student absence notifications so be on the lookout for those in your email.

High School Daily Announcements:

Elementary Newsletters:

Winter is here and the fastest way to get notices on closing or changes with school is by subscribing to the TextCaster Community Connection.  You can see how to sign up below. This is a great way to get last-minute changes, announcements, cancelations and critical reminders from the Winston School.  If you have signed up and are not getting notifications, please call your service provider.  This information can also be found on the Winston School Homepage.

Doors are open every school day at 7:30am for students.  Dismissal is at 3:35pm.  Car riders can be picked up in the car line at the front door.  Please wait in line in your car until students are released to you.  Please do not walk to the front door to get your student.  Walkers are released after all cars have vacated the car line.

School hours for students: 7:50am – 3:35pm.  Students should be in their rooms ready to work prior to the tardy bell.  Detentions will be given for repeatedly late students.

Parents, please remember to contact the office prior to a student’s absence or before 8:30am the day of.  Parents can call the school at 660.339.6462 for student absences- if it is outside of school hours- no problem! you can leave a voice message. We appreciate your assistance.

Reminder: the collection of Free & Reduced apps determines several funding sources for our school district.  Please returned your application

VoTech students do attend the North Central Career Center on Mondays. The bus leaves the parking lot at 7:15am.

School Coverage:  Tri-County Weekly Newspaper out of Jamesport will be publishing pictures and articles concerning the Winston R-VI School District.

Do you want to see your student’s grades anytime?  Grades can also be checked online as needed.  If you have not signed up for access, please call the school.

Pretty amazing stuff going on in several areas of our school.  Check them out on Facebook

Winston Redbirds  –

Winston, MO FFA Chapter –

Social-Emotional Learning and Trauma-Informed Schools Initiative:

High School Counselor’s Corner contains information about A+, ACT, Character Plus, Dual Credit, Financial Aid, Girl Talk, Graduation, Job Shadow, Military, Missouri Colleges, Scholarships, and Vo-Tech. – click here for the link at the bottom of the page

Dr. Brian Robinson

Winston R-VI School Superintendent
200 West Third Street
Winston, MO 64689
(660) 339-6462 school