Worth County Administration To Consider Volleyball Addition Feasibility

Worth County School administration will consider the feasibility of adding girls volleyball as a fall sport. The consideration will be a response to a presentation made during Worth County’s January board meeting from junior high and high school students who brought forward the consideration. The feasibility will be done prior to the Worth County February meeting.

Superintendent Chris Healy presented options for improving the lighting at the softball field and the visitor seating at the track and football complex. Safety is a concern at both facilities. The district wants to be in a position to move forward with the improvements if the no tax increase bond proposal is approved by voters in April.

The district has not received any proposals for construction of the hallway which connects their Ag Building and the main hallway. Contractors for that construction are still being sought.

The board received reports on the Alternative Methods of Instruction days held due to inclement weather and the start of the Pre-K Class which began in January.

The first reading of the 2024-25 school calendar has a possible first starting date of August 20th and an ending date of May 16th. The final approval of the calendar will be held in February.

The board hired Brian Whiteker as a full-time custodian and bus route driver.

The board extended Superintendent Chris Healy’s contract through 2025-26.