Central Decatur Approves Operational Sharing Agreements
Central Decatur School Board members approved operational sharing agreement involving the school district during their February meeting. Central Decatur will share a Human Resources Director on a 50 percent share, a Transportation Director on an 80 percent share, a Social Worker with the Area Education Agency on a 40 percent share, and a School Resource Officer with the City of Leon. The school’s sharing agreements for Technology Director and Librarian with Green Hills AEA will also continue.
Board members reviewed information received from the February 12th community forum as the district continues to explore a 4-day week as a school calendar option. Parent survey responses are being gathered on the matter. Another community forum will be held on March 4th at 5:30pm. A public hearing for the 2024-25 school calendar will be held on March 27th.
Days missed due to inclement weather were reviewed by the board. Central Decatur’s school board will decide at their March 27th meeting if any of the days will need to be made up.
Estes Construction Project engineer Alli Theisen reviewed the progress on the HVAC projects in the district. Travis Mechanical was approved to replace the school’s water heaters in the North Elementary.
Technology Director Mark Patience reviewed the costs for security cameras and door access control systems. The district will be submitting an application for School Safety Improvement funds. Board members approved the purchase of mandated software intended to provide career exploration and planning.
Board members hired Levi Dugger as a 5th through 12th grade band teacher and Melanie Puck as Junior High Softball Coach.
The board accepted resignations from Alexa Mendenhall as Elementary Teacher, Oscar Ortiz as 5th through 12th grade Band Teacher, and Curtis Boothe as Assistant Football Coach.