Friday Basketball Scoreboard

Friday Basketball Scores

NCMC Holiday Hoops
Grundy County 44 Pattonsburg 38
Waukee Northwest 55 Chillicothe 36
North MO Knights 59 Milan 35

Grundy County 62 Pattonsburg 40
King City 48 Putnam County 30
Meadville 70 Meadville 27

St Joseph Hall of Fame Holiday Hoops Classic
East Buchanan 51 Maysville 33
St Joseph Christian 69 DeKalb 17
LeBlond 47 North Andrew 34

Maysville 68 East Buchanan 65
St Joseph Christian 96 DeKalb 42
Leblond 55 North Andrew 37

Twelve Courts of Christmas
Nodaway Valley 71 Paseo 6
Fort Osage 46 Raytown 26
KC KIPP 52 Hogan Prep 45
Jefferson City Helias 50 Truman 48
McDonald County 60 Excelsior Springs 32
Diamond 62 Centralia 60
Higbee 48 Lamar 27

Nodaway Valley 56 University Academy 39
Higbee 66 Lathrop 57
Oak Park 62 Webster Groves 55
Jefferson City Helias 52 Lincoln College Prep 50
Columbia Rock Bridge 77 Truman 42
Forsyth 69 Lexington 45

College Basketball
Illinois 97 Missouri 73