Board of Education of Gallatin R-V School  District Regular Meeting Wednesday, January 19,

Vice-President Dowell called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., with six members present.
Jesse Bird present Tim Bradford present
Pam Critten present Jeffrey Donovan absent
Trent Dowell present Amy Heldenbrand present
Anita Riley present

Dr. Copple and Board Secretary Corwin were in attendance. Staff attending were Carrie Crouse and Deanna Wiederholt. Staff present were Patrick Treece. Guests present were Ronda Lickteig and Debbie Sweatman.

Critten motioned, Bird seconded to approve the agenda’s meeting. 6-0

Bird motioned, Critten seconded to approve Wednesday, February 16, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. for the next
meeting. 6-0

Critten motioned, Bradford seconded to approve the minutes of December 16, 2021, and the Special
meeting of January 7, 2022. 6-0

Critten motioned, Riley seconded to approve and pay the January 2022 bills except for checks #94407,
#94414, and #94399. 6-0

Critten motioned, Bradford seconded to approve and pay checks #94407 and #94414. 5-0 Dowell

Critten motioned, Bradford seconded to approve and pay check #94399. 5-0 Bird abstained.

Dr. Copple presented his report.

Principal Burke presented his report.

Principal Collins presented his report.

Principal Thogmartin presented her report.

Activities Director Gann presented his report.

Carrie Crouse and Deanna Wiederholt presented their Counselor’s report.

Bird motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to approve the new COVID-19 Policy and Procedures update
(Revision 1-7-2022). 6-0

Critten motioned, Bird seconded to enter into a one-year contract to co-op with Tri-County R-VI School District for the 22-23 High School baseball and High School and Middle School football season. 6-0 Bradford motioned, Critten seconded to approve Policy BBB, Procedure BBB-AP1, GDBDA, and GCDBA. 6-0

At 6:44 Board took a short break.

At 6:49 p.m. Bird motioned, Riley seconded to go into closed session for discussing personnel 610.021(3,13). Bird, yea, Bradford, yea, Critten, yea, Donovan, absent, Dowell, yea, Heldenbrand, yea, and Riley, yea.

The Board returned to open at 7:08 p.m.

Riley motioned, Critten seconded to accept Lesli Lin’s resignation at the end of the 21-22 school year.

Riley motioned, Heldenbrand seconded to accept Vickie France’s resignation at the end of the 21-22
school year. 6-0

Having no further business, at 7:15 p.m. the Board voted to adjourn on a motion by Bird, Bradford
seconded. Bird, yea, Bradford, yea, Critten, yea, Donovan, absent, Dowell, yea, Heldenbrand, yea,
and Riley, yea.