Central Decatur Board Approves New Principal

Central Decatur School Board members hired their new Secondary Principal for next year during a special meeting held last week.

Daniel Johnson has been hired by Central Decatur as Secondary Principal for the 2021-22 school year during the session.

The board also approved their 2021-22 tentative agreement with the Classified Staff. That agreement provides advancement for years of service and a 70 cent increase in the base hourly wage. The total package increase will be 3.9%.

The board approved a resolution to sell the old Masonic Building to Reece Tedford for $7,500.

The board also received the results of the fall 2020 Panorama Climate and Culture Survey. Staff are currently completing the spring survey. The results and date will be reviewed during a June work session. The board also received the results of the District Facility Needs Assessment and the associated cost estimates and the potential next steps in the process. The board plans to begin development of a facilities strategic plan during a work session this summer.

Central Decatur’s board also hired Beverly Nordyke as a High School Math Teacher beginning with the 2021-22 school year.

Central Decatur’s Fall Homecoming has been set for September 24th.