Iowa DNR Investigating Union County Manure Spill

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources says the cleanup will continue to be monitored of a manure spill in Union County, south of Thayer.

The investigation began after Iowa Select Farms reported a spill Monday night, 6 miles south of Thayer, when manure was pumped into a nearly full storage tank at one of their sow facilities. The staff reported that the manure was supposed to be pumped into a different tank but the valve had been left closed.

About 10,000 gallons were spilled over the side of the tank into a small tributary of the Grand River. Iowa Select dammed the tributary and trapped the liquid behind the dam to prevent a fish kill in the Grand River. Manure from the pool is now being land applied. DNR field tests showed elevated ammonia levels behind Iowa Select’s dam. Field tests also indicated there was no impact to the Grand River.

The tributary was too small to support fish and DNR staff found no dead fish in the Grand River. They will continue to monitor cleanup activities. DNR will consider appropriate enforcement action.