MO-Dot Planned Roadwork for Northwest Missouri, May 1-7

Atchison County

Interstate 29 – Bridge replacement project over the Nishnabotna River (mile marker 122-124) through May. (Contractor: Phillips Hardy, Inc.) More info: *1

I-29 – Seal coat project from the Iowa state line to Route 111 near Rock Port through June. The road will be narrowed to one lane with a 12-foot width restriction.

U.S. Route 136 – Scrub seal project from Route O to Route YY, May 3-9. The road will be narrowed to one lane with a 10-foot width restriction. (Contractor: Vance Brothers, Inc.)

I-29 – Pothole patching southbound from mile marker 117 to mile marker 110, May 1

Andrew County

I-29 – Pavement improvement project from south of Business Route 71 to just south of Route O (Buchanan County) through late October 2023. An 11.6-foot width restriction is in place. (Contractor: Herzog Contracting Corp.)

Route H – Roadside work southbound from Route A to Hickory Street in Filmore, May 3

Buchanan County

I-29 – Pavement improvement project from south of Business Route 71 (Andrew County) to just south of Route O through late October 2023. An 11-foot width restriction will be in place. (Contractor: Herzog Contracting Corp.)

  • Concrete replacement under the Route 6 (Frederick Boulevard) Bridge from Gene Field Road to Route YY (Mitchell Avenue), north and southbound I-29 will be narrowed to one lane through July.
  • Guardrail night-time work, Sunday night through Friday morning, 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily.

U.S. Route 36 – Bridge rehabilitation project over the Missouri River. Westbound is narrowed to one lane with a 12-foot width restriction through May 2023. (Contractor: Comanche Construction, Inc.)

Route 759 – RAMP CLOSED for a bridge rehabilitation project over the Missouri River. The ramp from Route 759 to westbound U.S. Route 36 is closed through late May 2023. (Contractor: Comanche Construction, Inc.)

Route Y – CLOSED for a bridge replacement project at both the south and north Bee Creek bridges through December. A signed detour is in place. (Contractor: Phillips Hardy, Inc.) More info:

Route KK – CLOSED for a bridge rehabilitation project at the Puckett Slough Creek Bridge, May 1-2 *3

U.S. Route 169 (Belt Highway) – Permit work north and southbound from Rochester Road to Karnes Road, May 1-3. The road will be narrowed to one lane each direction daily.

U.S. Route 169 (Belt Highway) – Permit work southbound from Genefield Road to U.S. Route 36, May 3-26. The road will be narrowed to one lane daily.

Caldwell County

Route 116 – CLOSED for a bridge rehabilitation project over the Union Pacific railroad, approximately 2 miles east of Route 13, through mid-June 2023. A signed detour is in place. (Contractor: Capital Paving & Construction, LLC)

Route 13 – CLOSED for a resurfacing project from the south city limits of Hamilton to just north of Route HH in Kingston, through November 2023. The project will be broken up into three stages with a signed detour in place. (Contractor: Phillips Hardy, Inc.)

Stage 1:

  • May 1 through mid-July.
  • CLOSED: Mill Creek Drive to Route P.


Stage 2:


  • Mid-July through late August.
  • CLOSED: Route P to Far West Drive.


Stage 3:


  • Early September through November.
  • CLOSED: Far West Drive to north of Route HH in Kingston.

Carroll County

U.S. Route 24 – Bridge rehabilitation projects through June.

  • S. Route 24 (Benton Street) over U.S. Route 65.
  • The north and southbound U.S. Route 24/65 bridges over Old U.S. Highway 24/Outer Road 24 and the BNSF railroad, located just south of the Benton Street Bridge.

Chariton County

Route D – CLOSED for a bridge replacement project at the East Fork of Bee Branch Bridge through mid-September. (Contractor: Lehman Construction and Wilson & Company)*2

U.S. Route 24 – Grinding concrete from Route 129 in Salisbury to Route K in Keytesville, May 1-5, 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The road will be narrowed to one lane each direction.

Clinton County

I-35 – Concrete replacement southbound from mile marker 47 to mile marker 42, May 1-5. The road will be narrowed to one lane with a 12-foot width restriction around-the-clock.

Route BB – Bridge pavement repairs at the bridge over I-35, May 2

U.S. Route 69 – Bridge pavement repairs at the bridge over I-35, May 2

Daviess County

Route F – CLOSED for a culvert replacement from Meadow Street to 330th Street, May 2, 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Route P – Pothole patching, May 1-3

Route NN – Pothole patching, May 3-4

Route YY – Pothole patching, May 5

DeKalb County

I-35 – Pavement repair eastbound from Resovoir Road to U.S. Route 69, May 1-5. The road will be narrowed to one lane around-the-clock.

U.S. Route 36 – Bridge pavement repair at the bridge over I-35, May 2-3

Gentry County

Route YY – CLOSED until further notice at the Bear Creek Bridge due to deterioration. This bridge is included in a replacement project scheduled to be a part of the September 2023 letting for contractor bids.

Grundy County

Route W – CLOSED for a bridge replacement project at the Wolf Creek Bridge, between Routes 6 and WW, through early July. A signed detour is in place. (Contractor: Phillips Hardy, Inc.)

Route W – CLOSED for a bridge replacement project at the Hickory Creek Bridge, between Route WW and F, through early July. A signed detour is in place. (Contractor: Phillips Hardy, Inc.)

Route 6 – Intersection improvement project at Route 146 and 30th Avenue, through mid-September. Traffic will be narrowed to one lane with temporary traffic signals directing motorist. Access to/from 30th Avenue will be closed through late June. A 12-foot width restriction is in place. (Contractor: Phillips Hardy, Inc.)

Holt County

U.S. Route 159 – Pavement improvement and flood remediation project from the Missouri River near Rulo, Nebraska, to the Little Tarkio Creek near Fortescue through November 2023. Temporary traffic signals and a 12-foot width restriction will be in place. (Contractor: Phillips Hardy, Inc.)

Route 118 – Scrub seal project from U.S. Route 59 to Route 111, May 1-5. The road will be narrowed to one lane with a 10-foot width restriction. (Contractor: Vance Brothers, Inc.)

Route C – CLOSED for concrete repair from U.S. Route 59 to County Road 140, May 4

Route C – CLOSED for concrete repair from County Road 140 to Route N, May 5

Linn County

Route C – Pothole patching, May 1-3

Route F – Pothole patching, May 3-4

Livingston County

Route C – CLOSED for a bridge replacement project at the bridge over Shoal Creek, north of Route DD, through July 2023. (Contractor: L.G. Barcus and Sons, Inc.)

U.S. Route 36 – Bridge rehabilitation project over Blackwell Creek, 1.2 miles east of Route 65 near Chillicothe, through June 2023. The bridge will be narrowed to one lane, each direction with a 10-foot width restriction in place. (Contractor: Capital Paving & Construction, LLC) *1

Nodaway County

Route 46 – CLOSED for a bridge replacement project at the bridge over the Nodaway River, near Quitman, through June 2023. A signed detour is in place. (Contractor: Emery Sapp & Sons, Inc.) *

Route EE – Scrub Seal project from Route NN to Route 46, May 5-15. The road will be narrowed to one lane with a 10-foot width restriction while work zone is active. (Contractor: Vance Brothers, Inc.)

Route DD – Bridge maintenance at the Nodaway River Bridge, May 1-4, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The bridge will be narrowed to one lane with a 12-foot width restriction daily.

Sullivan County

Route E – CLOSED for a bridge replacement project at the West Locust Creek Bridge, 8 miles northwest of Milan, through May 2023. (Contractor: Lehman Construction and Wilson & Company) *2

Route T – CLOSED at the East Locust Creek Bridge after an inspection found bridge beam deterioration. A closure timeframe has not yet been determined.