New BBC Documentary Could Bring Major Attention to Northwest Missouri
A new BBC documentary could bring major attention to Northwest Missouri.
The documentary, “Our Planet II” which is on Netflix, will showcase Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge located in Holt County.
Film crews worked over two years with St Joseph Resident Fred Ramsay.
It isn’t exclusively shot in Missouri, but he hopes it will help people to appreciate the natural beauty of the region.
The documentary series will air four episodes on June 14th that will be available on Netflix.
Other locations alongside Northwest Missouri that you will see included in the documentary will be Africa, the Arctic Circle, and India.
Ramsay referenced the documentary as having ties to Bird Flu within the area.
Last fall in the state there were 47 wildfowl reportedly having positive tests for the disease, that is according to the Missouri Department of Conservation.
There were also cases of Avian Flu in domestic bird populations over 15 different counties in the state between March of 2022 and May of this year.
The Missouri Department of Agriculture reports 21 separate instances of those cases.