Pattonsburg Board Updated On Essential Worker Designation For Teachers By Daviess County
Pattonsburg Superintendent Bill Pottorff told Pattonsburg School Board members Wednesday that Daviess County Comissioners want more information before designating teachers as essential workers. The discussion on the matter was held by Daviess County superintendents and the Daviess county Commissioners. The designation is of note because teachers would be allowed to remain in the classroom as long as they remained asymptomatic of COVID-19 if they were potentially exposed to COVID-19.
Pattonsburg will be part of the Seamless Summer Meal Option that allows children within the district from 1-18 years old to obtain free lunches provided by the school. The superintendent also told board members that Herner Construction will be working on the lights and window leaks in the new building.
The principal’s reports detailed the upcoming schedule for the district and a new messaging system.
The Pattonsburg Board of Education also adopted the Daviess and Gentry County Intergovernmental Agreement to participate in the 2020 CARES Act Funding program as presented.